Tracking the value chain with UHF

For use in the paper packaging industry, IDent System AB has designed an UHF-based system for tracking the paper rolls through the process. Starting from when the tambours are cut down to size for production, the tags are inserted automatically by the cutting machine and will then stay in place until the roll is emptied, allowing complete traceability through the whole process form papermill to the finished packaging.

This particular case is for drink containers, and the tags are tested and approved for use in food industry.

Since the roll has been identified through all its manufacturing steps in the paper mill by its TambourID, by tagging the roll as it is cut up, it is possible to track the roll back through the original paper-making process at the paper mill – especially important in the controlled food industry.

When it arrives at the printer – all data about printing, lamination and other processes will be added to the information and when the final product – a filled drink package leaves the plant, it can later be traced back all the way through manufacturing by connecting its barcode to the roll in case of for example quality issues where traceability is very important.

Naturally, the TambourID, UHF system and final barcodes will also be used to control the logistics flow, and specify how the tambour should be cut, how the individual roll should be printed/treated as well as what package it’s being prepared for.

The story behind Ident System

In our newsletters, we always tell you about our existing and coming products and solutions, but seldom about ourselves and the background of Ident System AB.
We now thought it was time to change that, and here is a short history of the company and our corse products.

It all started by the end of the 1980s when Saab-Automation developed analog CCD cameras in addition to barcode scanners and tag readers for industrial use within various applications. These cameras were commonly used in the wood processing and automobile industries. Even microwave-based RFID technology was found in the product portfolio.

In 1990 Saab Automation was acquired by Swiss Baumer and the company in Sweden become Baumer Ident AB. Baumer further developed these cameras and invested much effort into widening their original RFID portfolio with additional systems, mainly 125kHz but also UHF based products.

During the 2000s, Baumer Ident AB was sold to Identec Solutions AG who moved the business to Austria.

In 2010 former employees of Baumer and Saab decided to develop a new generation of digital cameras based on previous experience and know-how, unveiling a whole new range of digital cameras was ready by the autumn of 2013. To sell, market and develop the new product the company Ident System AB was registered at that same time and EVS138 and EVS144 were introduced and reached huge success within the paper industry. During 2016 Ident System AB launched the EVS144 Imager – a unique product for the market.

Parallel to this, a replacement that is fully compatible with Baumer/Identecs RFID system OIS-L has been developed and during 2015 a new UHF reader was launched.

In 2017 Identsystem started cooperation with Dobot regarding sales and distribution of robotic arms for education, hobby, test, and the smaller industry.

Many involved throughout the years are partners in the company today. This has ensured that the product knowledge, development, and expertise for RFID and code readers have been kept in a unique way enabling the ability to develop completely new products.

We are launching a complete UHF line this autumn

As a complement to our Ideal125 and 134 series, we will be launching a complete line of RFID-UHF products this autumn.
Because of the LF versus UHF different characteristics, we believe this will make us able to even better than before adapt and implement our systems with our customers

Compared to LF, UHF systems typically have markedly longer reading distance, reads faster and can use active tags – UHF tags are often also cheaper.
LF has shorter reading distance, which can be an advantage to avoid several tags being read at the same time, the LF can also sometimes be an advantage for precision reading in difficult environments such as where there are many metal surfaces or water around. LF antennas can also be custom made to demand since certification is not needed.

What we plan do present to you is:

A series of three UHF-RFID readers with 4 ports, compact build and longe range reading capabilities. There will be versions developed for embedded use and battery-powered with internal Linux-platform for stand-alone use when needed. Example of application areas for our coming readers is Pos, High-performance handheld systems, Self-service kiosks, Industrial automation, access control, smart shelves, etc.

Details about tags will be released later, but a range is planned from cable tie markers of goods, labels for warehousing up to industrial use and food products.

Our main range of UHF-antennas will initially be adapted to those most suited for optimizing the use of our readers and tags, and those environments we feel will be of most use for our customers.

If you have any special needs in UHF – readers, tags or antennas. Please contact us and we will do our best to include this in our new range!

IdentSystem is back from vacation

Most of the summer is over and we hope you have had a good rest. Here at Ident System, we are already looking forward to an exciting autumn and winter and we wanted to share some of what will happen with you.

Office in Hong Kong
We have been busy in Hong Kong this summer setting up a presence and will now begin the real work of introducing IdentSystem in APAC region. We know that there are many Baumer units that are getting to the stage where they need replacement, and our Barcode and RFID readers are the easiest way to do this. If you know you have sites in Asia, do not hesitate to contact us and we can present our products to them directly.

Updated Pan/Tilt unit for EVS144
To accommodate those with a need of a more compact pan/tilt unit for the EVS144, we are now introducing a smaller, more modern version as a complement to the older model. The Older model will not be replaced, but kept in stock for those of our customers that already are using that model – or new customers that want it.

New RFID product areas – Tags and UHF readers
In our efforts to fulfill our customers’ system needs, we will also start to build a network of suppliers for UHF RFID readers, and antennas. More information later on, if you already have specific needs, please contact us.
We will also start keeping some more specialized tags on stock, as well as improving our range of suppliers and tags for both LF as UHF.

Product category – Volume scanning
We already sent out a newsletter before summer about the new product category in static and dynamic volume scanning where packets and pallets can be automatically measured and weighed, with date communicated to pc or WMS. During autumn we will gradually send out more information about the alternatives.

Dokivision dynamic and static volume measurement systems

From Dokivision we offer a selection of different volume measurement systems both static and dynamic as well as for smaller sized items up to forklifted pallets and items passing the scanner on a conveyer belt.
Below is a short presentation of the systems, please contact Ident System for full information. They can also be combined with our Barcode and RFID readers for more efficient tracking.

Small dimensions (90*60*230m) makes this a very compact laser based dimensioning and weighing station for objects of a min size 4*4*1cm and max size 80*60*60cm. Max weight of the object is 60kg and it communicates through RS232, Ethernet or WiFi.

Larger then DEM600 (114*114*187m), DEM700 is made especially for measuring objects from 1.5*1.5*1.5cm to 70*70*90cm Max weight of the object is 100kg and it communicates through RS232, Ethernet or WiFi. DEM700 can be set up to measure dimensions either by lasewr- or ultrasonic sensors, depending on the accuracy needed and special requirements from the object (a laser sensor cannot for example be used to measure transparent objects or objects with mirrored sides.)

DEM100D is a dynamic dimensioning system developed for use over conveyor belts. It can handle conveyor speeds up to 0.5m/s and is equipped with a code scanner for identification of the object being scanned. DEM100D can weigh objects from 0.2kg to 30kg and handle sizes from 20*20*10cm to 80*70*80cm.

DEM100P is a dimensioning system developed for use with pallets placed in the system by for example a forklift. DEM100P can weigh objects up to 1000kg and handle sizes from 20*20*20cm to 150*150*200cm.

Newsletter summer break

IdentSystems newsletter will now take a summer break until August, we hope that you will have a nice summer vacation until then and take this opportunity to remind our Swedish customers about our summer offer on Honda robotic lawnmowers to help you relax in the shade.
Lämna över gräsklippningen till Honda Miimo. Hondas intelligenta robotgräsklippare som är fullständning självgående och klipper din gräsmatta helt automatiskt. Läs mer om Honda Miimo på Hondas hemsida!

Identec pc3103 (OIS-P) tag refurbishment program

Identec solution (Baumer) closed down production of the pc3103/xx (OIS-P) tags in 2018. Until now there has been no replacement tags, refurbishment- or update program available for your originally installed tags. Ident System AB can now offer customers that have this type of tags a refurbishment program that makes the tags as new.

The refurbishment program includes:

  • exchange of battery = prolonged lifetime
  • test of tags functions
  • test of micro wave functions.

The program is based on a minimum tag volume of 20 pc per batch or more. If you have any interest in this please contact Ident system.

Introducing our Smart Protocol Converter

Early this year we introduced our EVS Signal Interface Converter (EVS-SIC) as our next product in a series of new releases where refocus on increasing the life and compatibility of your existing system. We have now merged this unit with all the functions form our ZIOX-Host Controller and included more useful features and changed its the ma to EVS-SPC.

  • Keyboard emulator
  • Serial Data Conversion
  • Logic controller
  • ZIOX Host Controller

By connecting the USB port to your forklifts, our EVS-SPC can act as a keyboard emulator instead of Protocol Converter. This means that a readers output when connected to the input of EVS-SPC can be transferred to a truck terminal as if typed on a keyboard. As for the serial data conversion, the connection is made through standard RS232 interfaces both in and out, and the transfer rate on both ports can be selected between 1.200 to 115.200 kbit/s. Parity and/or Stop bits can also be converted. The EVS-SPC can also be used for logic control, i.e. the unit can be programmed with a database for verification of approved ID numbers, which are either used for verification that the tag is correctly read or for control purposes of a connected unit. Lastly, we have integrated the functions of our ZIOX Host converter conveniently into the EVS-SPC to facilitate communication between main systems set up for communication with older devices protocol, in our case often the Baumer Ident ZIOX16 system. EVS-SPC can both act as a polling device for the new system and also converting the host protocol and message to ZIOX16, which means that customers can connect the new IDEAL134,2 system more or less directly in an existing environment. Finally, the EVS-SPC has a software-controlled 5V/1A voltage output that can be externally accessed on the serial port pin 9.

3D volume scanning system for packages

A while back we introduced your cooperation with CIND and their Dynamic volume scanning system for larger complex units like a pallet load on a forklift when passing through the system. Now, on demand, we are able to provide our customer a smaller 3D dimensioning system for volume measurement of stationary objects, for example, packages on the way to shipping, as an easy way to calculate the shipping cost, volume for invoicing

This system is operated by a touch screen and provide the user with 3 sets of data after the package is placed on the scale. 

  • Dimensions (height * depth * width)
  • Weight
  • Barcode label ID

It scans objects with dimensions from 5*5*5 cm up to 50*110*80 cm with a 150 cm installation height and with 200 cm installation height the dimensions are 10*10*10 cm up to 100*110’80 cm.

The system can be used as stand alone, with data presented on its touch screen, or integrated in a larger system by the communication ports.

Contact us for more information.