
We have tag readers for both mobile and fixed installation.


EVS138 is a barcode scanner for either fixed or mobile mounting. Eg, a forklift for pallet handling.

EVS144 barcode scanners are used for forklift mounting. The scanner read code at distances of 6-10 meters, depending on the size of the barcode. The scanner is operated by the forklift driver by means of a joystick, which in turn, works a read head mounted onto a moveable unit. The driver then controls the camera that reads the codes accordingly. The EVS144 is equipped with a specially developed LED.

EVS144 Imager is a code reader used on mobile forklift trucks. The reader boasts extreme reading distances from 0,2 to 13 meters depending on the size of the barcode. Again as in the EVS144 barcode scanner this reader is operated by the driver. This reader has integrated lighting and autofocus. The EVS144 imager also reads 2D codes.