EVS Serial Interface Converter

A common case we often encounter is when a customer want to upgrade to our EVS138 reader while keeping  their old Baumer EVS128 or EVS134 cameras. Our EVS138 reader communicate via a 115.200 kbit/s interface, while the Baumer camera send its data at 12.000 kbit/s. By connecting our EVS-SIC between the units, the signal is converted seamlessly.

The EVS-SIC can of course be used for any kind of serial data conversion. The connection is made through standard RS232 interfaces both in and out, and the transfer rate on both ports can be selected between 12.000 to 115.200 kbit/s. Parity and/or Stop bits can also be converted.


  • Baude rate In: variable between 12.000-115.200 kbit/s
  • Baude rate Out: variable between 12.000-115.200 kbit/s
  • Interface In: RS232
  • Interface Out: RS232
  • Parity bit: convertible
  • Stop bit: convertible